samedi 11 décembre 2010

Un enfant en écrase un autre à mort dans son lit

Les registres de l'Anglican Cathedral Holy Trinity Church de Québec pour le 9 mai 1926 font état de l'acte de sépulture suivant :

«Ellis Buried

Frederick, son of William Ellis of the City of Quebec, labourer, and of Julia his wife, Coroner's warrant the said infant Frederick Ellis being of the age of one month and thirteen days and much debilitated by a severe affection of the lungs & being in bed with two others children on the eight of the present month was overlaid by one of them in his sleep which occasioned his death, and was buried on the ninth of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty six.
By me Geo Husbold? Off Min at Quebec
William Ellis John Rickaly Sexton

Un décès qui survient dans des circonstances particulières.

[Summary :
The church record for the burying of a young boy in Québec, Québec.]

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